Hand Drawn

Jan 2022-June 2023
There is an inherent beauty in the process of observing, learning, and ultimately comprehending the fundamental nature of sight. As an avid draftsman, I internalize the world in ways that are often taken for granted. Questions like “Why do people or environments appear as they do?”, “How do subjects navigate through space?”, and "What are the common qualitative observations shared among humans and how do they relate to these qualities?" have become an integral part of my thought process. Through these inquiries I have compiled a personal catalog of questions and corresponding answers.

Drawing Live

The cornerstone of hand-drawing as a skill lies not in trial and error, but in cultivating a profound understanding. From the onset of my journey to enhance my drawing abilities, my aspiration was to achieve the capability to draw effortlessly, without relying on references or the need for trial and error. With every stroke, I aimed to make definitive decisions, eliminating the necessity for a pencil or an eraser. The linked YouTube video below showcases a series of skills that I have shared, serving as a valuable starting point for those seeking to master the art of drawing with confidence and ease.

Coded Animations

Transitioning from illustration to animation and finally to interactive code animations proved to be a smooth process. As I explored crafting interactive code, I realized the key was to carefully consider all potential user movements with the components and ensure that my designs consistently aligned with the overall concept of the project.
Move your Mouse Left & Right


Animation became simple after mastering the skill of drawing with intention, because I don’t have to use trial and error. As I delved into the realm of animation, the only new component I needed to incorporate the principles of movement and physics.

Steeped Series

A series of artworks focused on producing products with universally enjoyable aesthetics and subject matter, aiming to serve as a portal for escapism. My goal was to paint with the qualities reminiscent of tea - water, peace, mindfulness, and beauty - to evoke a sense of calmness and serenity. I wanted to offer viewers a captivating getaway in a world of tranquility and wonder.

Digital Painting/ TikTok

In the summer, I explored TikTok as an avenue for marketing  in tandem with exploring the Procreate app. In the period of a month, my account gained 70k followers. At this point, I achieved my technical goals, which was to draw without the need of a pencil or eraser and paint in final strokes.


Can the art process be used to transform the self? I began exploring art making as a  process to commit to intentional self development. I started viewing the self as the masterpiece, and the artwork as byproduct, or a record of growth.


I bound a 100 page accordion book, in which each page represented an age. One side of the accordion contained wishes for each age and the opposite side a corresponding visual vessel. At the end of crafting and meditating on each potential age I felt like I gained clearer understanding of the life I truly wanted.

49 Days

In 2017, I faced inner demons. In those moments, I asked myself how could I fix this?

I decided to dedicate the remainder of my energy to solving the problem on my own. After research and reflection, I concluded that the source of neurotic emotions came from negative thought cycles.

A month later, I committed to a daily journal through paintings and poems that aimed to either clarify the potential roots of the problem, or record moments of gratitude. It took 49 days to recover.
Day 1
Again the Macintosh tree had
sagging arms with ½ foot Apples which
reminded me of him.
He ascended an orange ladder
to trim fruitless arms
and descended with a spade
to bury his frustrations into the soil
in his white rabbit tank top.
Every morning
He gripped his rusted bike uphill.
Its chain desperately needed grease still
he cranked those wheels two miles
from his apartment to our home.
Projecting laughter over nothing amusing,
but over little victories in this mundane life.
I still hear him giggling in the walls of my studio.
My mom marked him “幸福 1 ”
leaving lilies by his headboard.
Four years ago the macintosh tree
started producing big apples.
His lungs, overwhelmed with liquid
filled the great mason jars we used
to carry hand mashed apple sauce
for Sunday School.
Samantha and I biked in the
blistering summer to
view him in the furthest room, pruned away from callus lumps until
it suctioned away his cheeks, his
fingers poked out like trimmed branches,
Through the sleeves of my black down jacket,
the fabric sunken flat, fleshless.
I would never ever wear it again.
But eventually, I saw something through
the IV bags, cream floral curtains,
sterile plastic flowers, thick hand soap,
brown AC, mechanical bed-chair,
the jungle of last minute pleasantries,
during his end:
His pale yet satisfied smile.
His face humming “幸福 1 ”
Ashes into the sea and his laughter too.
The night of his departure, he told my aunt, “I have never loved myself.” At the doorstep of life decisions, he chose family over autonomy. Whenever we had fresh food on the table he chose to eat the leftovers. When he was younger, he loved the mountains, so he majored in roadbuilding; however, since his parents wanted to live close to their only son, he sacrificed his dream and worked at a factory. Later in his life, he couldn’t break free. Marrying someone who loved staying under a roof, trapped him in walls far from the world he wanted to travel. He hid his true feelings under a smile for 70 years.

These days, my grandma weeps before his portrait, my aunt purchases patagonia she imagines on him & Mom facetimes whenever they fight. After he passed, my grandma molded me in his memory and I inherited the offerings of both her and my aunt’s guilt. So now, whenever turbulence boils between them, I feel responsible to solve their toxic codependency. Taking on his mantle and their mental health as our family’s new soft smiling hero. 幸福 1

1 Footnote- “幸福” pronounced Xing fu means to be happy/blessed
2 “茉莉花 “ pronounced Mo Li Hua means jasmine flower


There is an inherent beauty in the process of observing, learning, and ultimately comprehending the fundamental nature of sight. As an avid draftsman, I internalize the world in ways that are often taken for granted. Questions like “Why do people or environments appear as they do?”, “How do subjects navigate through space?”, and "What are the common qualitative observations shared among humans and how do they relate to these qualities?" have become an integral part of my thought process. Through these inquiries I have compiled a personal catalog of questions and corresponding answers.